How to Lead Group Bible Study
1. Philippians 1:1-11
In pairs: Can we think of a situation – maybe when we were at school – when we realised that someone didn’t like us? What was it they did or didn’t do that showed us that? (Then share with the group.)
We read Philippians 1:1-11.
Someone prays and asks God to speak to us through this passage.
Part One: verses 1 and 2
1. How does Paul describe himself? What do we think that tells us about him? And by describing the church the way he does in verse 2, what is Paul wanting to remind the believers of?
2. How do we think the believers in Philippi might be feeling as this letter starts being read out? Why?

Part Two: verses 3-8
3. What is there here that shows the Christians in Philippi that Paul loves them (Let’s make a list)? Which of these things would make the most impact on each of us?
4. In verse 3 Paul thanks God for the church. But why do we think he tells them that he does this? How do we think this makes them feel?
5. Why don’t we say this kind of thing to one another much? What could we do in the next few days to follow Paul’s example here?
6. If we’re believers in Jesus, verse 6 is true of us. Can we put verse 6 into our own words? What does this make us want to do?

Part Three: verses 9-11
7. What do we think the three main things are that Paul prays for the Christians in Philippi? If each of us could ask everyone else to pray one of these things for us, which would we choose? Why?
8. What are some of the things we can all do to show others in the church family that we love them? Why does this matter?
9. Let’s have one minute of silence. Everyone chooses their favourite verse from the passage. Then, when the minute’s over, anyone who wants to can share their verse and tell us why they chose it.

In our first time of prayer, let’s pray with open Bibles. Let’s thank God for the way Paul showed the believers in Philippi that he loved them; let’s pray that we will love one another more; and let’s pray some of verses 9-11 for one another too.
Before our second time of prayer, let’s share prayer needs. Then let’s pray for one another, the church family, our country and our world.